Some friends of ours from the UK rented an Orlando Florida rental home recently, and were shocked at the calibre of service. A few examples for the holiday rental included:


1. They were called in the afternoon after checking-in (by the management company) to make sure everything was okay with their home.


2. There was a welcome kit waiting for them in the rental villa that included:

-Complimentary tea, milk and a pack of “Rich Tea” cookies

-Three UK stamped blank post cards to send to their friends back home

-A personalized welcome letter, guidebook and contact information


3. Two weeks after their stay they received a “thank you for your business” card in the mail from the management company plus a Christmas card six months later.


After a long flight and drive from the Orlando airport, it was a delight to see friends taken care of in such a thoughtful manner. Hotels could learn a lot from this. As always, booking with a great local Orlando vacation home management company can make for a great experience. Choose your management company wisely.


Orlando Vacation Home

Orlando Vacation Home

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