Is September the Best Time to Visit Orlando?

One might ask, when is the best time to visit Orlando, Florida?

As the  best months go, the answer is generally September. There are several reasons for this:

  1. School is back in session – the parks are relatively empty.
  2. Weather – It will begin to cool down and be more comfortable, but sunny enough to get a tan.
  3. Rental rates for vacation homes are low in September. These rates typically offer a lot more value than  hotels.
  4. Heavy incentives – When business is as slow as it is in September, renters pull out all the incentive stops to attract tourist dollars (i.e. two for the price of one, kids eat free, early bird specials, etc…)

Therefore, the best time to visit Orlando is September for several reasons. It is the slowest month of the year for tourism, the weather is typically great, and you can save a bundle.

Best Time to Visit Orlando

Best Time to Visit Orlando

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