There has been much buzz about the economic impact of Florida tourism, especially as it relates to growing the local Orlando economy.

It is welcome and exciting news that several parks and attractions are now growing and expanding including Legoland®, Walt Disney World®, Universal Studios and Harry Potter, and Sea World.

Tourism development leads to a positive improvement for all Floridians and tourists alike. The huge success of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter has significantly boosted tourism and business activity around the Universal Studios area and Orlando as a whole.

Tourism is Orlando’s bread and butter. It is the most important industry for the Central Florida region.

On a global scale tourism is also important:

  • Tourism accounts for roughly 7% of worldwide employment
  • Tourism is quite economically helpful due to the labor intensity of most services
  • Demand for tourism is often seasonal, but typically  provides a year round personal income for many

When looking at the specific economic impact of vacation rentals in Central Florida, some key facts emerge from a research study released in 2007-08:

  • Over 14,500 jobs were created or impacted by vacation home rentals in Central Florida. However, the total economic and employment impact is most likely much larger.
  • The annual economic impact of vacation home rentals to the Central Florida area was over $1.7 billion. Again, many experts indicate these are conservative figures.

The vacation home rental market is a key player in the Central Florida economy. Many potential tourists and travelers are surprised at the size, number and quality choices that vacation homes have to offer. There are over 80 vacation home communities that cater to rentals in Clermont, Davenport, Kissimmee, and Orlando. In this four county area, vacation homes link tourism to the local economy.

In short, we are proud to be part of an industry that provides a robust economic impact that lifts the living standards for many in Central Florida. Selecting a vacation home accommodation helps provide opportunity for individuals from all walks of life in Orlando and surrounding areas.

Visit our home page for profiles on numerous vacaion home communities around Central Florida. We provide various information including: video, pictures and location information for each resort community. Have a great vacation in Central Florida!