We were honored that David M. Scott, international social media marketing expert, blogger and author, made some comments on our vacation home branding post regarding Orlando and branding.
There really is credence to the fact that vacation home communities are in fact brands. This is simply a new paradigm for the general public, and for the travel and tourism blogosphere.
I’ll give you a personal example that occurred late last week which exemplifies the power of brands.
I traveled to several communities, made some notes for our blog, and then did tours of several rental houses. Although my observations are not empirical, I was shocked to see the high occupancy in Windsor Hills Review and Emerald Island Reviewversus many of the other vacation home communities.
This trend was especially noticeable as you moved down the quality spectrum. The lower rated communities, referencing our quality reviews, appeared to be relatively slow.
There are powerful Orlando area vacation home community brands at work that drive rate and occupancy and are derived from reputation branding and referrals. This also confirms an earlier post on Orlando villa comparison ratesfor rental homes regarding the impact of quality on rental rates.
For some reason, the vacation rental business became commoditized. In other words, vacation rentals have been marketed as short term rentals on the Internet with no differentiators for quality other than mostly size of home and time of year. Contrast this with the marketing of real estate which does just the opposite. Location of the homes and perceived quality of the neighborhood (as reflected in a per square foot sales price) often drive home pricing.
Our core belief for this site, and on our home page, is that all vacation home communities are NOT created equal.
Visit our website for independent reviews on over eighty vacation home community brands along with travel and tourism news of interest to Orlando visitors. Our Orlando vacation home reviews are designed to provide you the necessary details to book a vacation rental.
There are lots of brands to choose from in the Orlando area!