Some things in life are sometimes learned from the hard lessons of experience. We’re going to help you avoid learning the hard way. We’ll reiterate our very best advice on avoiding vacation home rental scams.
Sadly enough, our Number 1 phone question continues to be: How do I know this isn’t some type of rental scam?
Well, hopefully, the time and effort spent on the content speak for itself, but in case it doesn’t, there are a few suggestions and tips we do have for the topic of preventing vacation home rental scams. We wrote a blog post in mid-2009 on this same topic of Assessing quality vacation home management, so we’ll build around that original post and add a few good consumer practices to re-consider.

Avoiding Vacation Home Rental Scams
Tips for Avoiding Vacation Home Rental Scams
1. What consumer-oriented affiliations are the vacation home rental companies members of? Do they cite memberships in such reputable consumer friendly organizations such as the Better Business Bureau, Visit Florida, or the local Chamber of Commerce? Note: Just because a company lists a BBB membership shield, it doesn’t mean they are reputable. Check their actual listing on the BBB website and avoid most vacation home rental scams.
2. What professional-oriented organizations are the partners or individuals who own the website members of? In this case, membership in the Central Florida Vacation Rental Managers Association (CFVRMA) is a must. The CFVRMA maintains ethical standards and removes individuals for questionable practices. Check for the CFVRMA shield on any website you plan to transact business with to avoid vacation home rental scams.
3. Although not directly a vacation home rental scam, this practice is close. Always make sure you talk about fees before you book any vacation rental. Some fees are common and customary in the industry, but the practice of not clearly disclosing these to you upfront is very bad business. Beware of any company that doesn’t clearly disclose and explain all fees associated with your property rental transaction.
4. You want to find a bargain and great value, but don’t miss the obvious. If they only take cash or wire transfers, something is amiss. Protect yourself and pay by credit card.
5. If the website is sloppy or lacks care and concern for accurate rental details, don’t do business with that property rental company. More than likely, if they are wild and loose with basic important information, don’t expect a vacation rental that is well maintained and properly cleaned on arrival!
6. Rent from a professional and well-reviewed vacation home rental company. Renting by owner is only recommended if you know the owner.
We hope these vacation home rental scam tips are/were helpful. Since Orlando and Central Florida is our home, we don’t want to see our community and our industry besmirched with a few bad apples.
We have been promoting the benefits of Orlando vacation home rentals for many years, and we wish to ensure the business of vacation home rentals maintains its great reputation.
If you have any questions about vacation rental options, give us a call at 407-966-4144 Local or 1-888-826-0551 Toll-Free. You can also SKYPE us at OVH360. Many great local vacation homes await your enjoyment and comfort.