We get occasional e-mails regarding the size of Orlando vacation home communities and the impact of size on our quality reviews.
The basic question is: Does size have any real impact on vacation home community or subdivision quality? The answer is both yes and no.
Let’s take a look at some of the top rated Kissimmee vacation home reviews and the size of these communities from a previous post. There are eight short term rental subdivisions in Kissimmee that we have rated Good or Excellent Overall. Of those resorts on that list, only Acadia Estateswould be considered a small community. As a review, our vacation home ratings criteria considers several factors including location, holiday home quality, common area amenities and maintenance of common areas.
Smaller communities are not disadvantaged to larger ones in the area of location or quality of the underlying homes. However, larger subdivisions typically have more extensive common area amenities due to the fact that they have a larger homeowner base to support those amenities financially speaking. This includes staff to regularly clean and maintain those amenities. Therefore, smaller communities can possibly be at a disadvantage in the area of resort amenities although some of the best communities are small ones.
Conversely, just because a subdivision is large does not necessarily mean that the resort amenities are extensive. If that particular aspect is important to you, consult our community reviews for specific information for each subdivision. Common area amenities including pools are an area we research for you.
The great thing about the Orlando vacation home rentals market is the variety of choices available. Please visit our community reviews section that profiles over eighty (80+) vacation home communities both large and small. Florida holiday houses are a great value for the consumer. This empowers you as the prospective renter to make your own decision as to which factor is most important – location, amenities, maintenance or cleanliness.